Report of Adolescent to Parent Violence 2019
Professor Vanessa Bettinson and Dr Christina Quinlan have authored a report, funded by Leicester City Council, called “Preliminary Investigation into Current Understandings of Adolescent to Parent Violence (APV) Among Staff within the Voluntary and Statutory Sector in Leicester.”
Through focus groups with staff and a review of case files, the study found that it was difficult to identify APV as it is hidden in the family home and, as echoed in previous research in this area, parents were reluctant to see their children criminalised. Some services were better able to recognise APV and to support families in respect of it. Overall, the report found that it was not until the child/young person’s behaviour crossed into physical violence that it came to the attention of the authorities. At this point, the child/young person became enmeshed in the criminal justice system.
The cases looked at showed a high degree of complications within the family and high number of services involved. The background of cases varied, however, there was a notable presence of sexual violence within the experiences of the children/young person.
The researchers will be presenting their study on 1st March 2019 at the SVDV’s Sexual and Domestic Abuse in the Lives of Children and Young People Conference
The full report is available on this link: