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SVDV Research Group
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About Us
Public Engagement with SVDV Issues
APV Project
Service user involvement in sexual violence and domestic violence services
SOMEC Project
Violence Against Women and Girls: No More Project
Guidelines for authors considering submitting a blog to us
Beyond Domestic Violence, Companion Animals and Independent Agency: Why as criminologists we need to converse beyond speciesism, towards an intersectional approach
Decriminalising Adolescent to Parent Violence
Domestic Abuse and Pets Research: Local Impact June 2019
Domestic Violence and Abuse, ‘Pets’ and Agency: A conversation we need to have and a call for action 2019
Giving a Royal voice to gender – based violence and sexual violence
Mobile phone generic personal safety applications in domestic violence and abuse scenarios: Empowering or responsibilising victims? A practitioner lens
Non-Human Animals at the Intersection of Domestic Violence: The Call for anthropocentricism to GIVE WAY!
Ontological Diversifications: Greening Domestic Violence and Abuse studies on Companion Animals
International Coercive Control Legal Network
New Book: Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals contains chapter by DMU colleague Dr Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith
SVDV Co-convenor Chairing Inside Government Event: Tackling Sexual Violence and Harassment in Higher Education, 20th Nov 2018
Students interview Leicester SV DV practitioners for research project
Previous Events
Professor Evan Stark delivered a Public Lecture at DMU Friday 1st March 2019
SVDV Seminar: John Worboys and Parole Board decision-making? 24th September
Dr Lisa Oakley, ‘Exploring Spiritual Abuse and the implications for policy and practice’: SVDV seminar hosted at DMU (8 June 2016)
Dr Alison Phipps: ‘Lad Culture and Sexual Violence’, SVDV seminar hosted at DMU (9 July 2015)
LGBT Community and Domestic Violence research networking event, hosted at DMU (24 September 2014)
Keynote Abstracts
The keynote abstracts are: